A Prayer for a Miracle for My Daughter to Be Happy Again

Exercise y'all ever find yourself repeating the same things over and over once more in your prayers for your daughters?

Ever since nosotros found out we were expecting our daughter, my husband and I began praying with her (almost) every nighttime, even from the womb. Information technology's become a comforting ritual at the end of the mean solar day, a chance to quiet our hearts and turn toward the Lord.

Five years later, God has given the states two more blessings (another girl and a niggling boy on the way), and He'south also given me something more: a burden to pray for my children.

But honestly, the struggle is real: sometimes information technology seems like I'm going through a laundry list of requests for God: safety, health, a practiced night's sleep (with no midnight wakings, delight), and rest for weary mama and daddy.

And while God certainly receives and listens to ALL our prayers, I believe He wants us to pray bigger, more powerful prayers for our children and their futures.

In fact, in His last hours with His disciples, Jesus exhorted them several times to ask the Father boldly for those things they volition demand to comport out His adept works on globe:

"In that solar day y'all volition no longer inquire Me anything. Truly, truly, I tell you, whatever you ask the Male parent in My name, He volition give y'all. Until now you accept not asked for anything in My name. Ask and y'all will receive, so that your joy may exist complete." John 16:24 (come across also John xiv:14 and 15:15)

I believe God wants usa to ask boldly for His blessing over our children, and when nosotros ground our prayers in His Word, we tin can be bodacious that we're praying according to His will.

I've written the following prayers with my daughters in mind, just with a picayune boy on the manner, I'll definitely be adapting these for him equally well! And then feel free to practise likewise!

Hither are 8 powerful prayers for our daughters (and sons) based on God's promises that will help us entrust their little lives to Him!

Hunger and Thirst for God

Father, You anoint those who hunger and thirst for You and hope to satisfy them with Yourself (Matthew five:six); pour out Your Spirit on my daughter and your approving on my girl (Isaiah 44:three). Bring her to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (Romans 10:nine), and abound her in noesis and dear for Yous.

Baby-sit her from addictions and idols that would describe her heart away from You (Proverbs 4:23), and give her an insatiable want for You. Quench her thirst with You and crusade her to keep seeking Y'all to a higher place all else (Matthew vi:33). And when she draws nigh to Y'all, may she sense You draw near to her every bit well (James four:viii).

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Humility and Grace

Lord, Yous have promised that Your grace is sufficient and Your power is made perfect in weakness (two Corinthians 12:9). Help my girl accept and embrace her desperate need for You lot, and fill her with Your grace (James four:half dozen). Brand her quick to recognize and turn from sin (ane John i:9), and place within her center a longing for righteousness (1 John 3:3). May her words, her actions, and her entire life be an outpouring of Your grace, giving life to those around her (Colossians 4:half-dozen).

Wellness and Strength to Practice Good Works

Almighty God, Your Word says that those who hope in Y'all renew their forcefulness. They will soar on wings like eagles; they'll run and not grow weary; and will walk and not be faint (Isaiah 40:31). May my daughter abound in wisdom, in stature, and in favor before You and others (Luke 2:52).

Go along my daughter salubrious and stiff so that she may labor with all Your energy (Colossians one:29) to practise the expert works You prepared for her to walk in earlier the creation of the world (Ephesians two:ten). Merely as Jesus came not to be served but to serve, help her to serve others in Your love and to see the broken and needy through Your optics (Matthew 20:28).

Wisdom and Integrity

I believe Your Word when it says that the fearfulness of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:vii).

Teach my child to fearfulness you and fill up her with wisdom and discernment in her life choices and relationships (1 Kings 3:9-12). Make her heed sharp and give her a discerning spirit, only temper that with innocence (Matthew 10:16) and integrity so that she may walk securely in Your presence (Proverbs x:9).

Protection and Security

Precious Father, nosotros fight non against mankind and claret just against spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12). That's a scary thought, especially every bit I send my child out into the earth, where I can't protect her.

When I'm tempted to worry nearly what could happen to her, remind me that Jesus has already won the battle (ane Corinthians 15:57) and You hide Your beloved under the shadow of Your wings (Psalm 90:1-v).

Protect my child from evil men who seek to harm her; guard her from the hands of the wicked and from those who programme to ensnare her (Psalm 140:1-5). May You become our refuge and forcefulness, our very present help in time of trouble (Psalm 46:ane).

Union and Sexuality

Lord, You hold her future in Your hands and Yous know each item of her life, including who she will ally (Psalm 139:16). Help her trust Yous with her single years, staying focused on pleasing You in body and spirit and enjoying that season of life (1 Corinthians 7:34).

Baby-sit her from men who would use and abuse her, and keep her steadfast in You until she finds a godly man who will beloved her like You love Your Bride (Ephesians 5:25).

May she find joy and satisfaction in loving, honoring, and serving her hubby as nosotros are called to serve You (Ephesians 5:24), and may they find great please in each other (Song of Solomon 5:16). Brand their marriage a living metaphor of the beautiful human relationship You desire to have with Your Church (Ephesians 5:25), and may all who see them long to take that kind of a relationship with Yous too.

Boldness and Steadfastness

Lord Jesus, You lot have not given us a spirit of timidity or fear only a spirit of ability, of love, and of cocky-discipline (2 Timothy i:7).

As You mold my kid into a cute pillar that adorns Your temple (Psalm 144:12), may she stand boldly even in the confront of mockery, temptation, and persecution (1 Corinthians ten:13).

May she not shrink back and be destroyed by the pleasures this earth offers her (Hebrews 10:39) but help her stand up firm, letting null motion her (1 Corinthians fifteen:58), knowing that You lot alone are her judge and You will help her stand up fast (Romans 14:4).

Body Image and Inner Beauty

Creator God, You lot knit my daughter together in my womb; before I even knew she existed, Y'all were fashioning the cells that make her who she is today. Aid her to praise Y'all when she looks in the mirror, to see the beauty of Your workmanship, and to gloat Your creativity (Psalm 139:13-16).

Clothe her with forcefulness and nobility and keep her costless from feet and worry; fill her with a joyous apprehension for tomorrow (Proverbs 31:25). May her Christ-centered character be what makes her most beautiful, an inner gentleness and repose strength that'southward rooted in knowing who and whose she is (ane Peter 3:3-iv).

May her face up radiate the beauty of being in the presence of the Most High God (two Corinthians 3:eighteen), and may she be a fragrance of life and the sweetness smell of Christ among those who are being saved (2 Corinthians two:15-16).

I'll be honest: merely re-reading those prayers once again brings tears to my optics. At that place is such ability in praying God's Word over our children, and we accept enough of opportunities to do that each and every 24-hour interval.

Remember: God listens to our prayers for our daughters and our sons, and He welcomes us to come up to Him on behalf of our children.

Which of the prayers to a higher place will you get-go praying for your girl (or son) today?

If y'all enjoyed "8 Powerful Prayers for Our Daughters" you might also exist interested in these great resource:

A prayer for first thing in the morning time

thirty Twenty-four hours Praying for Your Children Claiming from Revive Our Hearts

Prayer Cards A-Z from Arabah Joy

7 Things to Pray for My Child from Desiring God Ministries


Source: https://onethingalone.com/8-powerful-prayers-for-our-daughters/

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