I Had a Discrepancy on My Background Check Can I Reapply Again

Visa Application Form

Later you lot cull the correct visa, the first thing you must exercise is complete the online Indian Visa Application form. If this is your first interaction with the government of India, you should refresh yourself on How to Delight the Babu. This will get you in the correct frame of listen.

The form seems easy enough, but a simple error can lead to your application being rejected, which ways you lose your application fee, and you take to start the process over again! And then, it's best to get it right the beginning time.

Earlier yous brainstorm

Two things to call up:

one) Filling out the Indian Visa Application grade online does not hateful y'all have submitted it. The purpose of the online form is to make sure you accept filled in all the right information in the right format for easier processing. If y'all make a mistake, you can outset over and it will not touch on your awarding. No 1 is looking through all this data and cantankerous-checking it. The only form that matters is the one y'all print out when you cease.

2) You may not modify the application after you lot print it. This includes handwriting answers. Once y'all print it out, if you want to make any alter at all, you must get-go the application course over once more.

Overview of the Process

Start your Indian Visa Application grade by clicking this link: https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/visa/indianVisaReg.jsp


If you are applying for any visa other than the e-Tourist Visa, click the Online Visa Application in the upper left corner.

Page 1 Guide

Page 1 - General Visa Guide

Land you are applying from – This means where you physically are now. It is usually the same as your permanent residence, merely certain visas tin can exist applied for outside of your residence. If your residence is in Birmingham, but you lot are in Bangkok and demand a transit visa, cull the Bangkok Mission.

Indian Mission –Choose the mission/embassy that you lot want to event your visa.

Dates – Dates in India (besides as virtually of the world) read Day/Calendar month/Year, not Month/Day/Year. For example, July 2nd is 2/vii; February seventh is seven/2.

Visa Blazon –Some categories may request additional information subsequently.

  • For Business, you lot will need to be prepared to give the address of the company that is inviting y'all.
  • For Briefing, take the give the details of the conference.
  • For Employment, you will need to know your salary in Rupees. It must be more than than Rs 1,25,000 (Given Rs. lx = US$1) unless you are with an NGO.
  • For Tourist, you volition demand a places y'all are planning to visit.
  • For Medical/Surrogacy, you volition need the details of the hospital you are going to.

Page 2 Guide

Page 2 General Visa

Write downwards your temporary application ID. Every fourth dimension I fill out this course I have to do it a few times and wish I had saved the number.

Applicant Details

Name – When inserting your name, put it exactly as it appears in your passport with no mistakes. "Surname" is your family name. "Given name" is your beginning and any centre names.

Sexual activity – In that location are officially iii genders in India.

Boondocks/city of birth – This must beexactly as it is mentioned on your passport. Do not put any other additional data. If information technology says "Ohio" on your passport, but you were really built-in in Columbus, put "Ohio".

Citizenship Number – If your state has a national ID system, put the number here. Most people will put "NA". US citizens should not put their Social Security Number.

Organized religion – Why practise they want to know your religion? Read this post for a more detailed answer, but basically this is nigh identifying what customs you come from. This is not almost your personal theological beliefs. If your parents were Christian, merely yous haven't been to church in thirty years and don't believe any of it, you should still put Christian. Most North Americans and Europeans should put Christian, even if your personal beliefs are more than complicated. Go along it elementary. If yous are very uncomfortable, just option "Other" and put "NA".

Visible Identification Marks – In a country with thousands of Suresh Babus and Parminder Singhs, a mole or scar can exist helpful in identification. Pick a visible mole or birthmark or put "none".


  • Below Matriculation = Less than xth grade
  • Graduate = Higher/University Bachelor'south Degree
  • Higher Secondary = High School
  • Illiterate = No formal didactics
  • Matriculation = 10th Grade
  • Professional = Professional person or technical training
  • NA Existence Minor = Children who are notwithstanding in school

Passport Details

Passport place of result – Again, this should read exactly as mentioned in your passport, even if it says something like "Department of State".

Folio 3 Guide

Page 3 General Visa

Bidder Address Details

Present Address – This must match exactly with whatsoever proof of address y'all submit. It will too exist cross-checked electronically to match it with the Indian mission yous chose. If you are applying for a visa away from your permanent residency, put your hotel/current address in the present address so fill out the permanent address section as well.

Family Details

Father/Mother Details – Information technology might seem strange to yous why they would desire to know most your parents and your parents' names. This is a background check of sorts. They mainly desire to know if y'all accept whatsoever ties to Islamic republic of pakistan. If you have whatever connection, it will filibuster your processing time.

Profession/Occupation Details

Present Occupation – This may seem like a harmless question, but how you answer it could crusade a lot of frustration afterwards on. Each category matches to a certain blazon of visa. If you are applying for a visa other than what your profession matches, yous may demand to supply boosted documentation or else yous might not get the visa you lot want.

  • Photographic camera Man, Film Producer, Journalist, Media, News Broadcaster, Press, Publisher, Reporter, Television receiver Producer,andWriterare all matches to the Journalist Visa. As well, if the employer y'all listing is a media company, you may be put in the Announcer visa category.
  • College/University ProfessorandResearcherfriction match to the Research Visa.
  • Businessman, Chartered Accountant, Engineer,and Trader match to the Business Visa.
  • Diplomat, Official, Un Officialmatch to the Diplomat Visa.
  • Student matches to the Student Visa.
  • In the case of Housewifeand Student, y'all will need to give the details of your spouse or male parent.
  • If it is a child not in school, put Other.

Other potential red flags that could crusade delays or additional documentation:

Charity/Social Worker volition be a red flag since the only visa you are immune to practice volunteer work on is the Employment Visa.

United nations-employed is usually not a practiced category to pick. Similarly, Labour and Worker might detect some difficulty, but not too likely. Whatever Military profession might also require some additional documentation.

These rules concord truthful when you list your employer. Even if you are the IT director for a Media visitor, yous may become earmarked for the Journalist Visa. If you work for a religious organization, they may want more details virtually y'all. Similarly, if y'all are applying for a Business concern Visa, remember that information technology is illegal for you to earn money from a company as salary. Therefore, exist careful mentioning any "work" you are doing. The Concern Visa is for setting up contacts, attending meetings, overseeing work, etc.

What if I want a visa that doesn't match with my profession or employer?

Choose whichever of these three options you are most comfortable with, although none are guaranteed.

ane) Don't worry virtually it and submit information technology anyhow. Sometimes these things go through without a problem. If you work in a media-related field, having a Journalist visa is non a bad thing, so you may even want to apply for it the first fourth dimension. For all other questions, the embassy will make it contact with y'all if they want more data.

2) Supply an accompanying alphabetic character from your organization.

Here are three examples:

If you work for a media company merely want a Tourist Visa, have your manager write a letter that says your trip is purely personal and you lot will not be doing any official business concern.

If you lot work for a religious organization, you may need a letter that says you lot will not appoint in any proselytizing.

If you are a professor wanting a tourist visa, you may desire to have a letter of the alphabet from the university saying that this trip is purely personal and you will non exist doing any official research.

3) Choose the "Other" category for your occupation and give an alternating but truthful name to your profession (i.eastward. "graphic designer" or "consultant"). This volition crusade the agent reading the application to consider it on a instance-by-example basis and volition increment your chances of being approved for the visa of your option.

Page four Guide

Page 4 General Visa

Details of Visa Sought

This is where you will insert whatsoever additional information that your visa requires.

Elapsing of Visa – Different countries have different lengths of visa. Yous should check the diplomatic mission in your country to come across what options y'all have. Call back that your validity starts when it is issued, not when you lot land in India.

Purpose of Visa – It is very important that this matches exactly with the blazon of visa.

Expected Date Journey – This doesn't need to be the exact engagement of your travel if you oasis't booked tickets, simply close to the engagement.

Previous Visa Details/Other Information/SAARC

Countries Visited in Last 10 years – List everything completely hither. Not mentioning a land you accept a valid visa to can be grounds for refusal.

SAARC Country Visit Details – South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. Information technology is a loose confederation of S Asian nations (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka).


Name in India – If y'all don't know anyone, put the hotel where you plan to stay.

Photo Upload – It is non necessary to upload a photo, unless you are filling out the e-Tourist Visa. Otherwise, you will be including hard copies in the packet you send to the Consulate.

Last Steps

After Folio 4, you will be able to review all the information. Expect over it in one case from your own perspective to make sure there are no errors. And then look over it again from the visa officer's (aka the Babu's) perspective to brand sure everything is completely filled out and matches nicely.

One time you verify it, click the "Impress Form" push button, and you can salvage your application as a PDF. If you gave your email, it will likewise exist sent to you. Look over the PDF since information technology is in a different format and something new might catch your eye. If y'all notice any errors at this indicate, you lot volition need to start the application over over again.

If everything looks fine, print the application on two pieces of paper, non back-to-dorsum.

There are ii places to sign. On the start page, make sure your signature is completely inside the box underneath your photograph. Practise not staple your photograph to the application; apply glue or paste. On the 2d page, sign at the lesser right.

Children between 12-17 should sign their name on the first page. Children younger than 12 can put a thumbprint on the commencement page.

For all minors, the second page must be signed by both parents. If you mail in your application, it should also be notarized. If you apply in person, it does non need to be notarized.


  • http://www.in.ckgs.us/ – Cox and Kings is the current authorized provider for Indian visas out of the US
  • http://republic of india.travisa.com/ – Travisa is a third party company that besides provides visa and passport services for US citizens
  • http://in.vfsglobal.co.uk/ – VFS provides Indian visa services in the Uk
  • http://goasia.about.com/
  • http://www.indiamike.com/

You are welcome to put your questions in the comments below; I will do my best to respond equally I am able. Yet, I am simply giving my stance in virtually cases and anything I say should not exist taken as legal or professional advice.

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Source: http://learningindia.in/visa-application-guide/

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