what to do when the wind isnt in your favor while hunting

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Scent command in deer hunting | How to chase the current of air and so yous can run into and kill more than deer

So, what'southward the big deal with deer hunting and all this "upwind" and "downwind" talk?

Every year hunters brand mistakes by non paying attention to current of air direction. You can have all the deer in the world on your property. You lot can have all the "best" and most expensive hunting gear.

But, if you don't pay attending to wind direction, you will be severely limiting your chances of harvesting a whitetail.

Then, permit'south learn how to chase the wind, so that you lot can give yourself the all-time run a risk for hunting success while in the field.

Wind management doesn't really matter when hunting whitetail deer… does information technology?

Y'all've probably heard stories of the hunter who rolls out of bed, goes through the local breakfast joint drive-through and gets a greasy sausage biscuit and drives to the hunting land.

Then, gets out of the truck, rides his/her 4-wheeler straight to the lesser of the tree they plan to hunt, ascend, light up a cigarette and shoot the biggest cadet of their life.

whitetail buck standing in field

When it comes to harvesting mature whitetails, you had improve exist on your A-game when it comes to scent control and current of air direction.

Then, when the subject of scent control and wind direction in deer hunting comes up, they point to the wall hanger in the den and say something like, "pffffft, I never pay attention to the wind and you can see I'm doing merely fine."

Sure these stories are out there, but don't be fooled. A mature whitetail didn't become mature past "throwing caution to the current of air." A whitetail'southward nose is its best defence and you are one of the most offensive smells around.

So, if y'all hope to accept sustained success in the deer woods, you demand to exist serious about scent command. For bowhunters, who typically need to get a shut shot to get the impale, it's even more critical.

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What is "upwind" and "downwind" in hunting?

And so, if y'all're still reading, you must desire to learn almost how to hunt the wind in a way that keeps your scent abroad from a buck'south nose.

When it comes to wind management, the fundamental is to stay "downwind" of the deer you are hunting. But, what does "downwind" and "upwind" actually hateful?

How to "chase the current of air"

Being "downwind" of a deer means that if you were looking straight at the deer you hope to shoot, the wind would exist bravado in your face. Thus, the wind would be blowing your olfactory property away from the deer.

Conversely, if you were "upwind" of the deer, the wind would conduct your odor "downwind" toward the deer (not what you want).

And then, y'all want the deer to be upwind of y'all, and you want to be downwind of them. Got it?

Let's have a look at the diagram below, which might help articulate things up.

hunting wind direction graphic

In this graphic, the xanthous indicates current of air direction. If deer are typically in the location indicated in this graphic, a hunter would desire to approach the stand up location from the "downwind" side of the deer, so they would not exist alerted past the hunter's scent.

It'south not only about being in the stand up

So, let'due south say you are in the stand (or from the footing) and you lot're overlooking a field where you lot know the deer feed. Y'all are downwind of where you retrieve the deer volition eventually exist. You lot are aureate, correct?

Well, maybe non.

Y'all're odor doesn't merely matter when you are in the deer stand. It matters well before you even saturday down!

Entry and exit routes when hunting

1 affair deer hunters oft ignore is how their entry and exit to and from their deer stand impacts the deer they are hunting.

Then, the hunt really begins earlier you lot take one step toward your hunting location.

When y'all are making your fashion to your deer stand, the wind is carrying your scent simply as it does from the stand.

Then, unless you want your hunt to cease earlier information technology even gets started, yous need to be sure that you have idea through the current of air direction every bit it pertains to how you lot are going to get to your stand.

ladder stand pic

If you are going to apply the wind to your advantage, your hunt begins long before y'all really sit in your stand.

This means y'all need to know where the deer typically are during the time you plan to enter. Are they bedding? Are they feeding? Where are these locations in regard to your entry route?

And information technology's the same for your leave route. If your odour gets diddled toward the deer when y'all leave your stand up, you take just educated those deer to your location.

So, if you are trying to avoid danger, are you going to go on to go back to where the danger is every 24-hour interval? Well, neither would a deer. They are trying to stay alive and that means avoiding the danger, which in this case, is You lot!

So, be sure you are paying attention to current of air management as it pertains to your entry and get out routes.

How to fool a deer'due south olfactory organ… well…

Let's be clear, you can never truly "fool a deer's olfactory organ."

Merely, there are some things you can practise to arrive harder for them to bust you.

whitetail buck in grass

Yous can never totally fool a buck's olfactory organ, simply you should do everything you tin to brand things more difficult for him to bust you. (photograph by Jeff Coldwell)

Kill that wear aroma

Take a whiff of your laundry detergent. Smells squeamish, doesn't it?

Not to a deer.

What might scent bully to you could make a deer desire to leave the county. So, what can you do about that?

It's a good idea to wash your clothes in a olfactory property-free detergent. Baking soda is also a good scent "eliminator." There are lots of these types of scent-killing hunting detergents on the market, so y'all'll have no trouble finding them at you local sporting appurtenances store.

Shower, for goodness sake!

Should you shower? For everyone's sake, Yes!

But, when it comes to deer hunting, that sugariness smell of typical detergents that we discussed to a higher place… you want to avert that in your shower soap as well.

Be sure to get a good scent-killing soap to use when showering before the hunt. And, don't be afraid to be generous. You're after an animal that lives and dies past its nose, so requite yourself the all-time chance possible to NOT STINK!

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Pitts are the pitts… don't ignore them

Once y'all're done showering, one more precaution you can take is to employ a smell-complimentary/olfactory property-killing deodorant. There are lots of options out there.

Don't forget to really scour those armpits. That is where a lot of the scent-causing bacteria is going to congregate, and so be certain to cover 'em good!

Sweat the details, just please don't sweat…

Sweat is your enemy.

When you lot sweat, smell follows. And, if you've been paying attending then far, y'all know that is not what you want when hunting deer.

So, how tin you avoid sweating?

Well, ane thing to be careful of is how much article of clothing you wear when you are walking to and from your stand up or hunting location.

Simply, what if it's cold outside?

Well, of course you desire to take hunting article of clothing that will keep you warm in cold conditions, just that doesn't mean you have to vesture all of it while you are walking to and from your stand or hunting location.

Plus, if you sweat on your way to the stand in an effort to stay warm, you lot are going to cease up existence common cold anyhow when the sweat cools your trunk downwards. Nix like being we in cold weather, right?

Many hunters are hunting on public land, which can mean a long trek to the final hunting destination. Then, if you lot have a long walk to where you are headed and know y'all are going to work up a sweat, consider starting out past removing a layer or 2. You might be a picayune bit cold when you start walking, just your torso will warm up as y'all get moving.

Then, once y'all get in at your stand or hunting location, yous tin put the layers back on, so that you will stay warm during the chase. Past doing this, you not but will be warmer, just yous'll avoid much of the odor that sweating causes.

This could be the divergence in having hunting success… or getting disrepair.

Clothe your body with… zip

No, don't chase naked.

Simply clothe your trunk with the most "invisible" habiliment possible.

This ways wearing odor control clothing and using odor killing sprays.

Smell control is a big market place in hunting apparel world, and there are a broad variety of options to cull from. So, take reward of some the products that can aid shield human scent.

It's also a good idea to spray down your clothing, also as your boots and gear with a scent emptying spray.

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"But, isn't all of this overkill?"

Well, call back, air current direction is the nearly of import scent control tactic you need to pay attention to, but if you lot can gain any kind of advantage in harvesting a whitetail (peculiarly a mature buck), should you do it?

Employ encompass scents

The employ of covers scents can be helpful in shielding a deer from your odor. There are a variety of cover scents available, such equally racoon or fox urine, acorn aroma, pine, etc.

But exist certain to native to your area. And so, if at that place are no oak copse in your area and you use an acorn cover olfactory property, this could have the opposite outcome you are intending.

A deer may be on high alarm when smelling this, since it is not a smell they are used to in that particular area. And then, take care in choosing the "correct" cover scent.


So, remember, paying attending to the wind direction is paramount in your quest to consistently requite yourself a chance to see deer.

Hopefully, when the moment of truth comes, you'll shoot directly!

Chase safely and good luck out there!

Check out the video below and learn how to play the wind to your reward for amend whitetail deer hunting success!

(Wind Direction video transcript)

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Discover out what deer hunting and playing the lottery have in common. Stick with us for the N1 Outdoors N1 Minute.

Suppose I knew the five winging numbers to the lottery and all you lot had to do was guess the order they go into to win. How many of you would pass up that information and instead, decide to guess the numbers yourself and the order they get in?

Hopefully none of you lot, only that's exactly what many deer hunters exercise every season by not paying attending to the wind.

Wind direction is critical in deer hunting

All the scouting and trail can picture is in the globe won't make up for poor planning when it comes to current of air direction.

For you bow hunters out in that location, it's fifty-fifty more than disquisitional. Always be enlightened of which way the wind is blowing, not but in regards to stand location, but also in relation to the entry and get out routes to and from your stand up or hunting location. The last thing you lot want is for your hunt to end with deer blowing before information technology even gets started.

Stay downwind of the deer in all situations. For those of yous not familiar with the terms "upwind" and "downwind," an easy way to call back, is to be sure the wind is in your face when approaching and hunting your favorite trail or location.

Paying conscientious attention to wind management certainly won't help you win the lottery, but when combined with effective scouting, planning and accuracy, it volition increase your chances of seeing and taking more deer.

We hope you lot have a great week and remember… "where the moments happen, we'll meet you there." We'll see you adjacent time.

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Source: https://n1outdoors.com/how-to-hunt-the-wind/

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